Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Words From Revolution Mary

The hottest team on the streets would like to announce that Revolution Mary has been brought on as a regular member of the SVF staff. Her first blog was both powerful and popular. After today, Revolution Mary will be addressing you from our page herself. Check out her future blogs on the site. Now, words from this modern Joan of Arc 

"... You have a family? Ok. Well, for you and your kind, the revolution starts at home. Raise your kids. Be friends with your spouse. Make sure you are not raising delinquents before you try to save deliquents. Serve your spouse before you try to offer ALL your services to your community and country. Family, community, nation... That's the order."

MORE WORDS FROM REVOLTUION MARY: "... Revolution is breaking out all over America. Peaceful protesters are being arrested here in Georgia and all over the U.S. The mainstream news is trying to demonize them and suppress what's really going on. Peopel, stop "watching the throne" and watch and join the change/revolution. People all over the world are tired. Get informed. Troy Davis protest are going on (still), Occupy Wall Street (In Atlanta), and Prison hunger strikes. Take your pick. Get involved." Revolution Mary

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